1st STEP こころのクリニック
Due to high demands for Counseling/Consultation beyond the current age limit of 19 years old, the age range of patients have been extended up to Univeristy students and/ or patients in their early 20s. Please fill out the Psychiatrist initial consultation and Psychological Assessment Request form. *We only accept patients in this age range who are seeking support through Counseling/Consultation services by a psychologist.
If you would like to make an initial appointment with the psychiatrist and/or Psychological Assessment by a psychologist, please fill out the " Psychiatrist Initial Consultation Appointment Form and Psychological Assessment Request Form".
Initial Consultation by a child psychiatrist is available March.
Counseling and psychological assessment by a psychologist→1st STEP Counseling Center
1st Step Kokoro no Clinic is dedicated to serving those who may require mental heath services, including the international community in Japan. We have an English speaking Psychiatrist and Clinical Psychologists available to support clients that require bilingual services. Various services are available depending on the needs of each client such as medication, counseling, assessment, early intervention and parent support. We strive to work as a multidisciplinray team and to reach out to surrounding communities to provide holistic support for each client.
Child psychiatrists are able to provide medical psychiatric treatments for children through adolescents. They are able to provide treatment for mental heath disorders such as Depression or other Mood Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD), Psychosis, and Addiction Disorders. The psychiatrists are able to provide various treatments including medication and family support. For patients with severe conditions, Dr. Suzuki is also able to arrange for hospitalization at Hodogaya Hospital where he also works as a child psychiatrist.
Psychiatric Consultation is available on Mondays 14:30-17:00 (Dr. Sugawara), Wednesdays 9:30-17:00 (Dr. Suzuki) and Thursdays 9:30-17:00 (Dr. Suzuki). Initial consultations are fixed on all days from 14:30~ .
[Making an Appointment]
Psychiatrist Initial Appointment : Please fill out the Psychiatrist Initial Consultation Form. We will get back to you within 3 working days.
Follow-up Appointments : Please make the appointment at the clinic or use the Follow-up Appointment Online Booking system (only available in Japanese) . For English speaking patients, please select the English and Multicultrual Support Appointment. This is for patients requiring English and multicultrual support. It includes patients who are Japanese but would potentially require the psychiatrist to provide multicultural support. This also includes support to English speaking parents, international school teachers or employers. If the patient has not come to the clinic for over 6 months since the last appointment, the online booking system cannot be used. Please contact the clinic for more information.
[Health Insurance and Reservation Fee]
For psychiatric services, we accept Japanese Medical Insurance (Kokumin Kenko Hoken or Shakai Hoken) for psychiatric services. For your appointment, please bring your health insurance card with you. At the clinic. we ask for reservation fees in order to set aside sufficient consultation time for each client. A reservation fee of of JPY22,000* (0~ 15 years old) and JPY 27,500 (16~18 years old ) will apply for first time appointments. For subsequent appointments, the English and Multicultural Support fee will be JPY6,600* .The reservation fee paid will not be refunded. Currently, we are unable to take new adult cases.
[Health Insurance and Reservation Fee]
In the case where the patient is unable to come for the initial appointment and a family member will attend without the patient.The fee is 39,600 yen (tax included)/60 minutes.
*All prices are inclusive of 10% consumption tax
[Cancellation Policy]
For cancellations of sessions, please notify us 1 week in advance for initial appointments and 48 hours in advance for follow-up appointments. The reservation fee will be charged as cancellation fees if cancellations not made in advance. Currently, only cash payment is available.
Please refer to 'Information Sheet' for more details on Psychological Services, Psychological Assessment and Counseling and Consultation services in English, or click below to download the PDF.
Please click here for more information→1st STEP Counseling Center
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AM9:30 〜12:00/PM14:30〜17:00
心理士によるカウンセリングや心理検査等は、1st STEPカウンセリングセンターにて行っております。Counseling and psychological assessment by psychologists are available at 1st STEP Counseling Center.