Staff Introduction

Child Psychiatrist

菅原 知子
Tomoko Sugawara

主な対象:児童・思春期・一般精神科  ※コンサータ、ビバンセ処方医
対応言語:日本語、英語(conversational level)

略歴: 熊本大学医学部卒業後、発達小児科にて臨床研修。公衆衛生の大学院を経て精神科臨床を開始。弘前大学医学部附属病院神経精神科、弘前愛成会病院、生協さくら病院、東横恵愛病院、駒木野病院等に勤務。日本精神神経学会精神科専門医。MD,PhD

I  spent  several years as an adolescent abroad. Currently, we are going through diversification and internationalization, we all are searching for what to base our lives on and how to live. I hope to meet and think about this together with you.

Clinical Psychologists/Counselors/Psychotherapist

鈴木(王) 美鳳
Miho Wang Suzuki

臨床心理士/Clinical Psychologist

発達臨床心理士/Developmental Clinical Psychologist


英語と日本語のバイリンガル心理士です。ASD、ADHD、その他の発達上の困難を持つ子供たち、および多文化なバックグラウンドを持つ子供たちと家族との仕事を専門とする臨床心理士です。National University of Singapore(学士号、優等学位)を卒業し、上智大学(修士号)で修士号を取得しました。東京大学病院では、9年間、臨床的アセスメントや療育、発達相談、SSTグループ等の仕事をしてきました。その他、精神科クリニック、社会福祉センター、区役所、学校等において、国際的なコミュニティへのサービスや英語でのサービスを提供してきました。その後、夫と共に、日本に住む日本人および国際コミュニティに質の高いサービスを提供することを願い、1st STEP こころのクリニックを開設しました。

Miho is bilingual in English and Japanese. She is a clinical psychologist who specializes in working with children with ASD, ADHD, other developmental difficulties as well as children and families with multicultural backgrounds. She holds a masters degree from Sophia University (M.A.) and graduated from National University of Singapore (Bachelor with Hons degree). She has worked in various mental health care institutions. At Tokyo University Hospital, she worked for 9 years conducting assessments, providing consultation for parents and setting up social skills groups. She has also worked in mental health clinics social welfare centers, ward office services and schools. She has also provided English services to the international community in Tokyo for many years. Miho has started working with her husband to set up 1st STEP Kokoro no Clinic in the hopes of providing quality services to the Japanese and international community living in Japan.


山本 優
Yu Yamamoto

Psychologist(Spec. Neurodevelopmental Psychology)


オーストラリアの大学、オランダの大学院にて学位(B.A., Hon., M.S.)を取得。

Yu is a Japanese psychologist, who specializes in neuro-developmental psychology. She provides psychological assessment and counseling services to children, adolescents, and adults in both English and Japanese.  
Yu holds a Masters in Science (M.S.) degree in Psychology from Maastricht University in the Netherlands, Bachelor (B.A.) and Honours (Hon.) degrees from the University of Melbourne and Deakin University respectively. 
Yu has lived outside Japan for most of her life and has academic, professional, and social experiences in a diverse cultural environment. 
When not being a psychologist, she enjoys spending time with her loved ones, walking her dogs, and being in the kitchen.

塩野入 あずさ
Azusa Shionoiri

臨床心理士/Clinical Psychologist

公認心理師/Certified Public Psychologist


After graduating from graduate school, she worked for a company providing psychological support to individuals, consulting for business organizations, training, and conducting surveys and research. She then moved to a psychiatric hospital, where she provides psychological support to adults, especially those of adolescent age. Her services include psychological assessment (developmental assessment, personality assessment), counseling, solution focused approach, cognitive behavioral therapy, social skills training (SST), educational consultation, consultation, and group therapy. Other requests can be accommodated.
In my private life, I enjoy eating out, listening to music, traveling, visiting famous Buddhist temples, and mountain climbing (planned).

ジュン ン シェンチュン
June Ng Sheng Chun

臨床心理士/Clinical Psychologist(Shingapole


June is a Singaporean clinical psychologist. She provides psychological assessment and counseling services to school-aged children, adolescents, and adults in English and Mandarin. Her counseling approach with young persons include cognitive- and acceptance-based therapies, with an emphasis on including parents and other caregivers in the therapeutic process.
June holds a Masters in Psychology (Clinical) (M.Psych.) from James Cook University, Singapore and is a member of the Singapore Psychological Society. She has worked and lived in Singapore for most of her life, and enjoys working in a multicultural and multilingual environment.

アマディ 理碧良
Amadi Libera

公認心理師/Certified Public Psychologist




Libera is a Japanese Nigerian psychologist who provides psychological assessment and counselling services in Japanese and English. Having been born and raised in Japan she is able to provide psychological care with the understanding of Japanese culture. At the same time, she has experience with multicultural environments and values the importance of cultural intersectionality in her therapeutic approaches as well. 




  AM9:30 〜12:30/PM14:30〜17:30

心理士によるカウンセリングや心理検査等は、1st STEPカウンセリングセンターにて行っております。Counseling and psychological assessment by psychologists are available at 1st STEP Counseling Center.